
Visit Ducks Unlimited's interactive migration map and reports forum to see what duck activity is looking like in our area.

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Be sure to check the extended forecast before your visit. Preparing for the weather is critical.

Welcome to Duckbriarduck hunting

Located on 3,000 acres in the heart of the Mississippi Flyway, and only 65 duck miles from Stuttgart, Arkansas.  Duckbriar is a restored wetland habitat designed by Ducks Unlimited offering an abundance of managed native food sources combined with supplemented agriculture.  With vast managed wetlands and cypress breaks, these complete habitat conditions create a unique hunting opportunity for any sportsman. Combined with the rich heritage and culture of the Mississippi Delta, booking a hunt at Duckbriar offers a unique and exciting experience.  Duckbriar offers unforgettable waterfowl hunts. Lodging is available however there is exceptional local lodging. Please see the rates page for pricing and feel free to contact us for available dates and any further questions.